Reliable vehicle data is crucial for maintaining efficiency and uptime. Volvo provides extensive possibilities to share data with your existing systems – as well as the systems you are developing. A true benefit for operators, PTAs and third-party system suppliers.
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All your vehicles produce an endless stream of data. Properly gathered and sorted, this data is a key to improvements in productivity, uptime and availability. The data is there, ready to be used. The question is how to obtain it in the way that best suits your operation. The answer is Volvo Buses Data Access Services.
What gets measured gets done. An old but very relevant truth. If you want to reduce energy or fuel consumption you need accurate data directly from the source. The data you feed into your fleet management applications has to be reliable over time and dispatched in a standardized format, so that changes can be detected and followed-up.
If you can imagine a solution, there’s very little stopping you from realizing it. With Data Access Services, you and your developers get access to the building blocks needed for obtaining reliable vehicle data, ensuring control of the fleet and its operations. Since data is standardized you can build uniform applications also for multi-brand fleets.
Standardization is crucial for ensuring efficient and reliable connected services. It’s fair to say that standardization is a de facto prerequisite for interoperability. Volvo Buses is actively taking part in several international standardization initiatives. We are a founding and strategic member of ITxPT, as well as member of ACEA, active in work groups and committees.
As part of our total offer, Volvo Buses offers two channels - onboard and offboard - to access operational vehicle data. The onboard FMS Gateway provides a continuous stream of data for consumption by customer onboard hardware. The offboard API services provide access to secure vehicle data via the cloud for easy integration with customer systems without the need for extra onboard hardware.
Volvo Buses offers data for both electric and diesel vehicles such as geographic location, energy/fuel consumption, charging statuses, remaining distances and warnings - all you need for you day-to-day fleet operations.
Volvo Buses is actively taking part in several international standardization initiatives. Volvo Buses is founding and strategic member of ITxPT and ACEA. Standardization is crucial for ensuring efficient and reliable connected services enabling a more connected ecosystem and interoperability for our customers.
Volvo Buses offers extensive electromobility data to support the planning, operations and monitoring of your electric fleet. Both the onboard FMS Gateway services and offboard API services includes a wide range of energy and charging data.
Volvo Buses Data Access Services are standalone services and can also be used as an addition to Volvo Connect. Both the onboard and offboard data access services complement the services offered via Volvo Connect. They satisfy the need of incorporating vehicle data in your own tools, both onboard and offboard.
Volvo Buses onboard FMS Gateway services adhere to the ACEA FMS (Fleet Management System) standard. Volvo Buses offboard API services are based on the ACEA rFMS (remote Fleet Management System) standard.
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