Volvo Buses


Coach chassis

With a Volvo chassis your customers get Volvo quality built-in from the very start. It’s the perfect foundation for leading body builders, who can rely on the durability and reliability of our products. Structural safety features, environmentally optimised class-leading engines and long service intervals for driveline and suspension make for trouble-free operation.

Smart structural design

Every Volvo chassis is designed to provide the body builder with a platform for a premium coach. Passenger comfort, driveability and efficient maintenance are built in from the very start. Components and subsystems are organised to give maximum space and comfort for your passengers, yet with all service points easily accessible. And the open architecture gives the body builder virtually unlimited possibilities. Whether you are looking for a chassis for efficient line-haul operation or premium tour and charter duties, a Volvo chassis is a solid platform for a profitable business.


Volvo’s coach and coach chassis offer includes more than just the vehicles. The wide and growing range of connected services add value and productivity to our customers’ operations. That’s why our chassis products are equipped with the hardware and interfaces needed for implementing these services.

Our chassis range

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