Volvo Buses


Driver Training

The human productivity factor

There are many reasons to invest in driver training. Until self-driving commercial vehicles become a reality, bus and coach operations will rely on dedicated, trained and professional drivers. The way they drive is something that shows up both in your passenger surveys and on the bottom line in your books.

Fuel efficient driving

Analysis repeatedly shows that focused driver training saves a lot of fuel. And not only directly after the training session; five per cent fuel savings are a recurring figure. And the results can be even more lasting when you add the I-Coaching service for instant and continuous feedback on driving performance.

Driving in Volvo safety

Today’s buses and coaches have a line-up of advanced driver support systems. But that does not reduce the demand for driving skills. These systems are designed to help the professional driver perform even better. A driver training course will give even the most experienced drivers new insights and support their ability to drive safely, efficiently and comfortably.

Better comfort

In all kinds of bus and coach operations, the driver is just as important for the customer’s experience as the seat comfort and the on-board facilities. An investment in driver training and I-Coaching will increase your share of returning and satisfied passengers.

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