Volvo Buses


Volvo BZL Electric

With the Volvo BZL Electric you get clean, silent and efficient public transport. Our flexible charging concept ensures seamless operation on your current schedule. With our electric buses, services and Volvo as your partner, your city can take the next step in the transformation towards a Zero City.

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Volvo 7900 Electric range

Towards zero

At Volvo, we want to help cities in their transformation towards zero cites, with zero emissions, zero noise, zero congestion and zero accidents. With our clean and silent electric buses, you can offer attractive public transport that complies with the toughest restrictions on emissions and noise, while at the same time helping to reduce congestion. And with automated technologies such as geofencing and Safety Zones, you can increase overall traffic safety in the city.

Try our City emission simulator

A first-class driving experience

Driving a Volvo BZL Electric is quite an experience. The high-performing electric Volvo driveline and the optimised transmission delivers impressive torque and driveability for safe operation in demanding uphill conditions. Optimised battery positionings contribute to the excellent handling and smooth driving experience.

Explore the Volvo BZL Electric

Charged for your route

Every operation is unique. The route, required passenger capacity, climate and charging opportunities are parameters, setting the demand for on-board energy capacity. That is why we at Volvo offer maximum flexibility. Different charging possibilities and an energy storage system with a modular traction battery configuration. By this, we can tailor a solution to exactly suit your operation, ensuring that the right useable energy capacity is always available.

Charging & batteries

Comfortably silent

A Volvo BZL Electric is a silent and comfortable experience, for everyone. The bus welcomes your passengers silently and gently at the bus stop. Low interior noise makes it easier to talk to others or listen to music during the ride. The driver also benefits from a calm and silent workspace, which reduces stress and improves working comfort. The silent propulsion also reduces noise for residents along the route, allowing the bus to get closer to where people actually live and work.

Explore the Volvo BZL Electric

Volvo’s usable energy commitment

The range of an electric bus depends on several factors. Together with the operator, we analyze the energy need for each route, and guarantee that the required energy capacity will be available throughout the contract period.

All inclusive – Volvo Turnkey

Defined passenger capacity at a specified cost per kilometer – that’s the essence of Volvo Turnkey solutions.

Go electric with Volvo – why and how

Volvo offers complete e-mobility solutions, developed and configured in close cooperation with each city.

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